A Ministry: Where Connection Changes Lives
Prayer Request
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A Ministry: Where Connection Changes Lives
Where Connection Changes Lives
Hi, I'm Tre' Roberts. If we were meeting in person, I'd welcome you with a handshake or a hug, and a smile. It's so nice to meet you. I am the Founder and Pastor of Your Vine Connection Ministry in Clinton, Mississippi. As a farmer, I understand the necessity of being connected to the right source. I learned the hard way, with a lot of bumps and bruises, that if we are not plugged into a source that gives us life, we will die. We all need to be connected to Jesus Christ.
His Word is life-giving, life-changing. He changed me. Now, I've got the right connection. Through relationship with Jesus Christ, and an understanding of His Word, we can, not only make it to heaven, but also live a purposeful, abundant life on earth.
The hallmark of our ministry is sound Biblical teaching in simple language that connects theology with practical application in every day life. Our goal is to live the Word, and we will get the rich results of the Word. Our goal is to help people understand God's Word in such a way that they can make real, practical application of His principles and teachings.
Do you need another chance, like I did? This is your chance to receive mercy. Take it.
Do you need a place for your family to grow spiritually? This is it. I have been married over 25 years, and am a father to four children, from 25 to 14 years old, and a pawpaw to one granddaughter. I know the importance and the results of rearing your children in a household that reverences God, teaches them God's ways, and leads them in developing a personal relationship with Jesus. We aren't perfect parents, but we are intentional and consistent.
Are you single and want to live whole? We've got you, too. It's important to be connected with loving people who will support you and cheer you on to fulfill your purpose with exuberance.
We are excited about our new location at 402 Cynthia Street, Suite D, Clinton, MS. Join us! I look forward to connecting with you!
act on Families Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis
Many families are dealing with a mental health crisis, but few are talking about what it's like to journey this kind of minefield.
Families are impacted by the mental health crisis/illness of a family member or someone in the household. Still, they are often left out of the treatment plan even though they may bear the weight and responsibility of providing care, stability, sustenance, financial support, and oversight. As a result, many families suffer alone, in silence, in agony, frustrated, anxious, afraid, uninformed, and exhausted. This presentation will educate participants on how we can collectively support families.
Join Pastor Tre' and I, as we present from our experience on For more information or to register for the NAMI Minority Mental Health. Conference at https://namims.org/mmh2023/
2023 Minority Mental Health Conference
Theme: “Young Minds Matter”
Thursday, July 27, 2023 • Hattiesburg, MS
Cease From Worry and Enter His Rest
By Erika P. Roberts
I love to walk at the park in the cool air of a fresh new Saturday morning. I tried to direct the conversation with God, telling Him to the two (ok, three) pressing things that I needed Him to make happen, or need his help so I can make it happen. And, what should I say to the people in my opening of church service on Sunday? I mulled over one or two things I had studied over the week. Nah. None of them seemed like IT. What would be impressive to talk about? What would be inspiring? He said, “Stop. Just be in my presence.”
Here I was wasting the beauty of the cool morning breeze, the birds chirping singing and planning their day. I thanked God for the grace, faithfulness, love and mercy He has shown me over the years. I began to exalt His name, to see Him high above every circumstance, to express my love for Him. I listened to a the Daily Decree. Brenda Kunneman reminded me how bold the disciple apostles were in the face of adversity. I listened to Joyce Meyer talk about having faith in God, trusting Him.
Then, God started speaking to me, “Haven’t I made ways for you, Erika? You worry about so many things.”
He reminded me a litany of blessings and favor. He posed the question, “Did you make it happen?”
My honest reply, “No, Lord.”
“Cease from your worrying and enter into my rest,” He said.
This is the conversation He wanted to have with me. Stop worrying, fretting, fearing, being anxious. I just received an invitation from My Heavenly Father to enter into a place of rest that He has prepared for me. It’s a secret place.
Of course, I accepted the invitation, right? Wrong.
I continued to bring my petitions before Him.
I stopped walking.
Okay, Lord. I hear you. I trust you. Today, I enter into your rest.
How well are you resting? God rested from His work (Genesis 2:2-3). “For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.” (Hebrews 4:10)